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AMPORTS/Port of Benicia
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Total Rows: 484.
StudyID | Study Name | Agency | StationID | Latitude | Longitude | Water Body | Watershed | County | SampleID | Sample Method | Sample Type | Date Sampled | Date Analyzed | Upper Sed Depth (ft) | Lower Sed Depth (ft) | QABatch | LabRep | Chemical Group | Chemical Name | CAS NUmber | Result | Units | Qualifier | MDL | RL |
272_2580_4_16 | Port of Benicia Terminal (AMPORTS) 2013 | AMPORTS/Port of Benicia | ABT-DU1 | 38.04057 | -122.1369 | Benicia Point | San Francisco Bay | Solano | ABT-DU1-Comp | Core | RESULT | 6/21/2013 | 7/5/2013 | 0 | 9.95 | 130702L22 | 1 | PAH | 1-Methylnaphthalene | 90-12-0 | 7.7 | UG/KG | J | -99 | -99 |
272_2580_4_16 | Port of Benicia Terminal (AMPORTS) 2013 | AMPORTS/Port of Benicia | ABT-DU1 | 38.04057 | -122.1369 | Benicia Point | San Francisco Bay | Solano | ABT-DU1-Comp | Core | RESULT | 6/21/2013 | 7/5/2013 | 0 | 9.95 | 130702L22 | 1 | PAH | 1-Methylphenanthrene | 832-69-9 | 3.6 | UG/KG | U | 3.6 | -99 |
272_2580_4_16 | Port of Benicia Terminal (AMPORTS) 2013 | AMPORTS/Port of Benicia | ABT-DU1 | 38.04057 | -122.1369 | Benicia Point | San Francisco Bay | Solano | ABT-DU1-Comp | Core | RESULT | 6/21/2013 | 7/5/2013 | 0 | 9.95 | 130702L22 | 1 | PAH | 2,3,5-Trimethylnaphthalene | 2245-38-7 | 3.1 | UG/KG | U | 3.1 | -99 |
272_2580_4_16 | Port of Benicia Terminal (AMPORTS) 2013 | AMPORTS/Port of Benicia | ABT-DU1 | 38.04057 | -122.1369 | Benicia Point | San Francisco Bay | Solano | ABT-DU1-Comp | Core | RESULT | 6/21/2013 | 7/1/2013 | 0 | 9.95 | 130628L07 | 1 | Pesticide | 2,4'-DDD | 53-19-0 | 0.75 | UG/KG | U | 0.75 | -99 |
272_2580_4_16 | Port of Benicia Terminal (AMPORTS) 2013 | AMPORTS/Port of Benicia | ABT-DU1 | 38.04057 | -122.1369 | Benicia Point | San Francisco Bay | Solano | ABT-DU1-Comp | Core | RESULT | 6/21/2013 | 7/1/2013 | 0 | 9.95 | 130628L07 | 1 | Pesticide | 2,4'-DDE | 3424-82-6 | 0.68 | UG/KG | U | 0.68 | -99 |
272_2580_4_16 | Port of Benicia Terminal (AMPORTS) 2013 | AMPORTS/Port of Benicia | ABT-DU1 | 38.04057 | -122.1369 | Benicia Point | San Francisco Bay | Solano | ABT-DU1-Comp | Core | RESULT | 6/21/2013 | 7/1/2013 | 0 | 9.95 | 130628L07 | 1 | Pesticide | 2,4'-DDT | 789-02-6 | 0.67 | UG/KG | U | 0.67 | -99 |
272_2580_4_16 | Port of Benicia Terminal (AMPORTS) 2013 | AMPORTS/Port of Benicia | ABT-DU1 | 38.04057 | -122.1369 | Benicia Point | San Francisco Bay | Solano | ABT-DU1-Comp | Core | RESULT | 6/21/2013 | 7/5/2013 | 0 | 9.95 | 130702L22 | 1 | PAH | 2,6-Dimethylnaphthalene | 581-42-0 | 12 | UG/KG | J | -99 | -99 |
272_2580_4_16 | Port of Benicia Terminal (AMPORTS) 2013 | AMPORTS/Port of Benicia | ABT-DU1 | 38.04057 | -122.1369 | Benicia Point | San Francisco Bay | Solano | ABT-DU1-Comp | Core | RESULT | 6/21/2013 | 7/5/2013 | 0 | 9.95 | 130702L22 | 1 | PAH | 2-Methylnaphthalene | 91-57-6 | 9.7 | UG/KG | J | -99 | -99 |
272_2580_4_16 | Port of Benicia Terminal (AMPORTS) 2013 | AMPORTS/Port of Benicia | ABT-DU1 | 38.04057 | -122.1369 | Benicia Point | San Francisco Bay | Solano | ABT-DU1-Comp | Core | RESULT | 6/21/2013 | 7/1/2013 | 0 | 9.95 | 130628L07 | 1 | Pesticide | 4,4'-DDD | 72-54-8 | 0.7 | UG/KG | U | 0.7 | -99 |
272_2580_4_16 | Port of Benicia Terminal (AMPORTS) 2013 | AMPORTS/Port of Benicia | ABT-DU1 | 38.04057 | -122.1369 | Benicia Point | San Francisco Bay | Solano | ABT-DU1-Comp | Core | RESULT | 6/21/2013 | 7/1/2013 | 0 | 9.95 | 130628L07 | 1 | Pesticide | 4,4'-DDE | 72-55-9 | 0.67 | UG/KG | J | -99 | -99 |
272_2580_4_16 | Port of Benicia Terminal (AMPORTS) 2013 | AMPORTS/Port of Benicia | ABT-DU1 | 38.04057 | -122.1369 | Benicia Point | San Francisco Bay | Solano | ABT-DU1-Comp | Core | RESULT | 6/21/2013 | 7/1/2013 | 0 | 9.95 | 130628L07 | 1 | Pesticide | 4,4'-DDT | 50-29-3 | 0.74 | UG/KG | U | 0.74 | -99 |
272_2580_4_16 | Port of Benicia Terminal (AMPORTS) 2013 | AMPORTS/Port of Benicia | ABT-DU1 | 38.04057 | -122.1369 | Benicia Point | San Francisco Bay | Solano | ABT-DU1-Comp | Core | RESULT | 6/21/2013 | 7/5/2013 | 0 | 9.95 | 130702L22 | 1 | PAH | Acenaphthene | 83-32-9 | 8.1 | UG/KG | J | -99 | -99 |
272_2580_4_16 | Port of Benicia Terminal (AMPORTS) 2013 | AMPORTS/Port of Benicia | ABT-DU1 | 38.04057 | -122.1369 | Benicia Point | San Francisco Bay | Solano | ABT-DU1-Comp | Core | RESULT | 6/21/2013 | 7/5/2013 | 0 | 9.95 | 130702L22 | 1 | PAH | Acenaphthylene | 208-96-8 | 6.1 | UG/KG | J | -99 | -99 |
272_2580_4_16 | Port of Benicia Terminal (AMPORTS) 2013 | AMPORTS/Port of Benicia | ABT-DU1 | 38.04057 | -122.1369 | Benicia Point | San Francisco Bay | Solano | ABT-DU1-Comp | Core | RESULT | 6/21/2013 | 7/1/2013 | 0 | 9.95 | 130628L07 | 1 | Pesticide | Aldrin | 309-00-2 | 0.7 | UG/KG | U | 0.7 | -99 |
272_2580_4_16 | Port of Benicia Terminal (AMPORTS) 2013 | AMPORTS/Port of Benicia | ABT-DU1 | 38.04057 | -122.1369 | Benicia Point | San Francisco Bay | Solano | ABT-DU1-Comp | Core | RESULT | 6/21/2013 | 7/1/2013 | 0 | 9.95 | 130628L07 | 1 | Pesticide | alpha-BHC | 319-84-6 | 0.72 | UG/KG | U | 0.72 | -99 |
272_2580_4_16 | Port of Benicia Terminal (AMPORTS) 2013 | AMPORTS/Port of Benicia | ABT-DU1 | 38.04057 | -122.1369 | Benicia Point | San Francisco Bay | Solano | ABT-DU1-Comp | Core | RESULT | 6/21/2013 | 7/1/2013 | 0 | 9.95 | 130628L07 | 1 | Pesticide | alpha-Chlordene | 56534-02-2 | 0.71 | UG/KG | U | 0.71 | -99 |
272_2580_4_16 | Port of Benicia Terminal (AMPORTS) 2013 | AMPORTS/Port of Benicia | ABT-DU1 | 38.04057 | -122.1369 | Benicia Point | San Francisco Bay | Solano | ABT-DU1-Comp | Core | RESULT | 6/21/2013 | 7/5/2013 | 0 | 9.95 | 130702L22 | 1 | PAH | Anthracene | 120-12-7 | 10 | UG/KG | J | -99 | -99 |
272_2580_4_16 | Port of Benicia Terminal (AMPORTS) 2013 | AMPORTS/Port of Benicia | ABT-DU1 | 38.04057 | -122.1369 | Benicia Point | San Francisco Bay | Solano | ABT-DU1-Comp | Core | RESULT | 6/21/2013 | 6/28/2013 | 0 | 9.95 | 130628L04 | 1 | Metal | Arsenic | 7440-38-2 | 12.4 | MG/KG | | -99 | -99 |
272_2580_4_16 | Port of Benicia Terminal (AMPORTS) 2013 | AMPORTS/Port of Benicia | ABT-DU1 | 38.04057 | -122.1369 | Benicia Point | San Francisco Bay | Solano | ABT-DU1-Comp | Core | RESULT | 6/21/2013 | 7/5/2013 | 0 | 9.95 | 130702L22 | 1 | PAH | Benz(a)anthracene | 56-55-3 | 27 | UG/KG | | -99 | -99 |
272_2580_4_16 | Port of Benicia Terminal (AMPORTS) 2013 | AMPORTS/Port of Benicia | ABT-DU1 | 38.04057 | -122.1369 | Benicia Point | San Francisco Bay | Solano | ABT-DU1-Comp | Core | RESULT | 6/21/2013 | 7/5/2013 | 0 | 9.95 | 130702L22 | 1 | PAH | Benzo(a)pyrene | 50-32-8 | 52 | UG/KG | | -99 | -99 |