StudyID | Study Name | Agency | StationID | Latitude | Longitude | Water Body | Watershed | County | SampleID | Sample Method | Sample Type | Date Sampled | Date Analyzed | Upper Sed Depth (ft) | Lower Sed Depth (ft) | Species Group | Species Name | Matrix Name | QABatch | Dilution | End Point | Mean | N | Std Dev | Mean as % Control | Significance Code | Significance Description | Statistical Test | Comment |
RMCLONESTAR | RMC Lonestar 1999 | RMC Lonestar Cement Terminals Operations | 1 | 37.51375 | -122.209 | Redwood Creek | San Francisco Bay | San Mateo | 1 | Vibracore | RESULT | 8/18/1999 | 9/4/1999 | 0 | 6.64 | Amphipod | Ampelisca abdita | Sediment | 10DSP_AA | -99 | Survival (%) | 89 | 5 | 6.52 | 96.7 | NA | NA | NA | |
RMCLONESTAR | RMC Lonestar 1999 | RMC Lonestar Cement Terminals Operations | 1 | 37.51375 | -122.209 | Redwood Creek | San Francisco Bay | San Mateo | 1 | Vibracore | RESULT | 8/18/1999 | 9/4/1999 | 0 | 6.64 | Polychaete | Nephtys caecoides | Sediment | 10DSP_NC | -99 | Survival (%) | 90 | 5 | 7.07 | 93.75 | NA | NA | NA | |
RMCLONESTAR | RMC Lonestar 1999 | RMC Lonestar Cement Terminals Operations | 1 | 37.51375 | -122.209 | Redwood Creek | San Francisco Bay | San Mateo | 1 | Vibracore | RESULT | 8/18/1999 | 8/31/1999 | 0 | 6.64 | Echinoderm | Strongylocentrotus purpuratus | Elutriate (SET, MET, EET, or DRET Tests) | 4DSPP_SP | 0.01 | Normality-Development (%) | 96.5 | 3 | 2.3 | 99.4 | NA | NA | NA | Bootstrap used to calculate the LC50 and IC50. |
RMCLONESTAR | RMC Lonestar 1999 | RMC Lonestar Cement Terminals Operations | 1 | 37.51375 | -122.209 | Redwood Creek | San Francisco Bay | San Mateo | 1 | Vibracore | RESULT | 8/18/1999 | 8/31/1999 | 0 | 6.64 | Echinoderm | Strongylocentrotus purpuratus | Elutriate (SET, MET, EET, or DRET Tests) | 4DSPP_SP | 0.01 | Survival (%) | 88.6 | 3 | -99 | 95.3 | NA | NA | NA | Could not calculate StdDev without replicate data. Bootstrap used to calculate the LC50 and IC50. |
RMCLONESTAR | RMC Lonestar 1999 | RMC Lonestar Cement Terminals Operations | 1 | 37.51375 | -122.209 | Redwood Creek | San Francisco Bay | San Mateo | 1 | Vibracore | RESULT | 8/18/1999 | 8/31/1999 | 0 | 6.64 | Echinoderm | Strongylocentrotus purpuratus | Elutriate (SET, MET, EET, or DRET Tests) | 4DSPP_SP | 0.1 | Normality-Development (%) | 96.5 | 3 | 1.21 | 99.4 | NA | NA | NA | Bootstrap used to calculate the LC50 and IC50. |
RMCLONESTAR | RMC Lonestar 1999 | RMC Lonestar Cement Terminals Operations | 1 | 37.51375 | -122.209 | Redwood Creek | San Francisco Bay | San Mateo | 1 | Vibracore | RESULT | 8/18/1999 | 8/31/1999 | 0 | 6.64 | Echinoderm | Strongylocentrotus purpuratus | Elutriate (SET, MET, EET, or DRET Tests) | 4DSPP_SP | 0.1 | Survival (%) | 88.1 | 3 | -99 | 94.7 | NA | NA | NA | Could not calculate StdDev without replicate data. Bootstrap used to calculate the LC50 and IC50. |
RMCLONESTAR | RMC Lonestar 1999 | RMC Lonestar Cement Terminals Operations | 1 | 37.51375 | -122.209 | Redwood Creek | San Francisco Bay | San Mateo | 1 | Vibracore | RESULT | 8/18/1999 | 8/31/1999 | 0 | 6.64 | Echinoderm | Strongylocentrotus purpuratus | Elutriate (SET, MET, EET, or DRET Tests) | 4DSPP_SP | 0.5 | Normality-Development (%) | 77.5 | 3 | 2.12 | 79.8 | NA | NA | NA | Bootstrap used to calculate the LC50 and IC50. |
RMCLONESTAR | RMC Lonestar 1999 | RMC Lonestar Cement Terminals Operations | 1 | 37.51375 | -122.209 | Redwood Creek | San Francisco Bay | San Mateo | 1 | Vibracore | RESULT | 8/18/1999 | 8/31/1999 | 0 | 6.64 | Echinoderm | Strongylocentrotus purpuratus | Elutriate (SET, MET, EET, or DRET Tests) | 4DSPP_SP | 0.5 | Survival (%) | 70.8 | 3 | -99 | 76.1 | NA | NA | NA | Could not calculate StdDev without replicate data. Bootstrap used to calculate the LC50 and IC50. |
RMCLONESTAR | RMC Lonestar 1999 | RMC Lonestar Cement Terminals Operations | 1 | 37.51375 | -122.209 | Redwood Creek | San Francisco Bay | San Mateo | 1 | Vibracore | RESULT | 8/18/1999 | 8/31/1999 | 0 | 6.64 | Echinoderm | Strongylocentrotus purpuratus | Elutriate (SET, MET, EET, or DRET Tests) | 4DSPP_SP | 1 | Normality-Development (%) | 41.4 | 3 | 7.3 | 42.6 | NA | NA | NA | Bootstrap used to calculate the LC50 and IC50. |
RMCLONESTAR | RMC Lonestar 1999 | RMC Lonestar Cement Terminals Operations | 1 | 37.51375 | -122.209 | Redwood Creek | San Francisco Bay | San Mateo | 1 | Vibracore | RESULT | 8/18/1999 | 8/31/1999 | 0 | 6.64 | Echinoderm | Strongylocentrotus purpuratus | Elutriate (SET, MET, EET, or DRET Tests) | 4DSPP_SP | 1 | Survival (%) | 32.4 | 3 | -99 | 34.8 | NA | NA | NA | Could not calculate StdDev without replicate data. Bootstrap used to calculate the LC50 and IC50. |
RMCLONESTAR | RMC Lonestar 1999 | RMC Lonestar Cement Terminals Operations | 2 | 37.51498 | -122.2067 | Redwood Creek | San Francisco Bay | San Mateo | 2 | Vibracore | RESULT | 8/18/1999 | 9/4/1999 | 0 | 8.95 | Amphipod | Ampelisca abdita | Sediment | 10DSP_AA | -99 | Survival (%) | 86 | 5 | 5.48 | 93.5 | NA | NA | NA | |
RMCLONESTAR | RMC Lonestar 1999 | RMC Lonestar Cement Terminals Operations | 2 | 37.51498 | -122.2067 | Redwood Creek | San Francisco Bay | San Mateo | 2 | Vibracore | RESULT | 8/18/1999 | 9/4/1999 | 0 | 8.95 | Polychaete | Nephtys caecoides | Sediment | 10DSP_NC | -99 | Survival (%) | 84 | 5 | 11.4 | 87.5 | NA | NA | NA | |
RMCLONESTAR | RMC Lonestar 1999 | RMC Lonestar Cement Terminals Operations | 2 | 37.51498 | -122.2067 | Redwood Creek | San Francisco Bay | San Mateo | 2 | Vibracore | RESULT | 8/18/1999 | 8/31/1999 | 0 | 8.95 | Echinoderm | Strongylocentrotus purpuratus | Elutriate (SET, MET, EET, or DRET Tests) | 4DSPP_SP | 0.01 | Normality-Development (%) | 94.6 | 3 | 1.76 | 97.4 | NA | NA | NA | Bootstrap used to calculate the LC50 and IC50. |
RMCLONESTAR | RMC Lonestar 1999 | RMC Lonestar Cement Terminals Operations | 2 | 37.51498 | -122.2067 | Redwood Creek | San Francisco Bay | San Mateo | 2 | Vibracore | RESULT | 8/18/1999 | 8/31/1999 | 0 | 8.95 | Echinoderm | Strongylocentrotus purpuratus | Elutriate (SET, MET, EET, or DRET Tests) | 4DSPP_SP | 0.01 | Survival (%) | 88.1 | 3 | -99 | 94.7 | NA | NA | NA | Could not calculate StdDev without replicate data. Bootstrap used to calculate the LC50 and IC50. |
RMCLONESTAR | RMC Lonestar 1999 | RMC Lonestar Cement Terminals Operations | 2 | 37.51498 | -122.2067 | Redwood Creek | San Francisco Bay | San Mateo | 2 | Vibracore | RESULT | 8/18/1999 | 8/31/1999 | 0 | 8.95 | Echinoderm | Strongylocentrotus purpuratus | Elutriate (SET, MET, EET, or DRET Tests) | 4DSPP_SP | 0.1 | Normality-Development (%) | 89.7 | 3 | 1.89 | 92.4 | NA | NA | NA | Bootstrap used to calculate the LC50 and IC50. |
RMCLONESTAR | RMC Lonestar 1999 | RMC Lonestar Cement Terminals Operations | 2 | 37.51498 | -122.2067 | Redwood Creek | San Francisco Bay | San Mateo | 2 | Vibracore | RESULT | 8/18/1999 | 8/31/1999 | 0 | 8.95 | Echinoderm | Strongylocentrotus purpuratus | Elutriate (SET, MET, EET, or DRET Tests) | 4DSPP_SP | 0.1 | Survival (%) | 81.6 | 3 | -99 | 87.7 | NA | NA | NA | Could not calculate StdDev without replicate data. Bootstrap used to calculate the LC50 and IC50. |
RMCLONESTAR | RMC Lonestar 1999 | RMC Lonestar Cement Terminals Operations | 2 | 37.51498 | -122.2067 | Redwood Creek | San Francisco Bay | San Mateo | 2 | Vibracore | RESULT | 8/18/1999 | 8/31/1999 | 0 | 8.95 | Echinoderm | Strongylocentrotus purpuratus | Elutriate (SET, MET, EET, or DRET Tests) | 4DSPP_SP | 0.5 | Normality-Development (%) | 88.4 | 3 | 3.98 | 91 | NA | NA | NA | Bootstrap used to calculate the LC50 and IC50. |
RMCLONESTAR | RMC Lonestar 1999 | RMC Lonestar Cement Terminals Operations | 2 | 37.51498 | -122.2067 | Redwood Creek | San Francisco Bay | San Mateo | 2 | Vibracore | RESULT | 8/18/1999 | 8/31/1999 | 0 | 8.95 | Echinoderm | Strongylocentrotus purpuratus | Elutriate (SET, MET, EET, or DRET Tests) | 4DSPP_SP | 0.5 | Survival (%) | 77.3 | 3 | -99 | 83.1 | NA | NA | NA | Could not calculate StdDev without replicate data. Bootstrap used to calculate the LC50 and IC50. |
RMCLONESTAR | RMC Lonestar 1999 | RMC Lonestar Cement Terminals Operations | 2 | 37.51498 | -122.2067 | Redwood Creek | San Francisco Bay | San Mateo | 2 | Vibracore | RESULT | 8/18/1999 | 8/31/1999 | 0 | 8.95 | Echinoderm | Strongylocentrotus purpuratus | Elutriate (SET, MET, EET, or DRET Tests) | 4DSPP_SP | 1 | Normality-Development (%) | 34.6 | 3 | 3.23 | 35.6 | NA | NA | NA | Bootstrap used to calculate the LC50 and IC50. |
RMCLONESTAR | RMC Lonestar 1999 | RMC Lonestar Cement Terminals Operations | 2 | 37.51498 | -122.2067 | Redwood Creek | San Francisco Bay | San Mateo | 2 | Vibracore | RESULT | 8/18/1999 | 8/31/1999 | 0 | 8.95 | Echinoderm | Strongylocentrotus purpuratus | Elutriate (SET, MET, EET, or DRET Tests) | 4DSPP_SP | 1 | Survival (%) | 21.1 | 3 | -99 | 22.7 | NA | NA | NA | Could not calculate StdDev without replicate data. Bootstrap used to calculate the LC50 and IC50. |